Total Point for Team has 7,226,947,771 Billion Points. Other Thread New Mining Team for BOINC Coin or (Indirect) money generating called But this Thread is about running on Bitcoin Utopia running ASIC Hardware under Team It was made to separate the Points out of in less than 90 Days Team has 51,495,736,720 Billion Points. It was Started by devlin85 so it is his Thread. Punchy, If you really want it moved then Please contact Afterburner Yes devlin85 sometimes adds "cryptocurrency and making a profit" Stuff in this Thread. Punchy, It is not about "cryptocurrency and making a profit" Please review all 12 Pages of this Thread. It is kinda sorta a crowd funding type thing, but not exactly. If you calculate the ratio of Magnitude/RAC for each project you have run on your machine, then you will get a rough idea, which project will give you the most Gridcoin over time, on your machine.Punchy Since this is all about cryptocurrency and making a profit, can you please move the discussion to the cryptocurrency section of the forum? Right now the only Boinc project that supports asic miners is Bitcoin Utopia, and it is being used as a way to fund projects, and other things, that need money and could shut down without an influx of cash. Eventually you will have a list of projects you have tested, and have data for the magnitude you were given, and the RAC that it took to get that magnitude. Bitcoin Mining ASICs Repurposed To Keep NTP Server On Track 27 Comments by: Dan Maloney JanuThey say time is money, but if that’s true, money must also be time.

To see an example of one individuals NN history, click here.You can look at your own information by taking this address - <<< put your CPID from your wallet behind the equals sign. If you have your gridcoin wallet set up, and your boinc running, then eventually you can see stable data graphed out in the Neural Network. Let them run until they become stable and consistent. Once you have selected a few projects based on how well your machine should do with them, I suggest that you open boinc, connect to a couple of those projects, then let them run.From that list you can determine, roughly how well your CPU will do against how many other CPUs already working on that project. example have This List of machines working on their project. Many of the projects in BOINC list individual machines and display processing characteristics about those machines. Atomic Wallet assets Gridcoin wallet Gridcoin (GRC) wallet Manage your Gridcoin, Ethereum, XRP, Litecoin, XLM and over 300 other coins and tokens.

you should consider installing the BOINC client and contributing to global.
How to find the differences between Boinc Projects.